Friday, September 23, 2011

okay okay -,-''

Greetings .

okayyyyyy saya akan stop ber-fb buat sementara . asal onl je , "PMR dah nak dekat, onl lagi?" "minggu depan PMR, ni asal onl lagi?" dan sewaktu dengannya .

dengan ini secara rasminya saya akan onl fb TETAPI tidak akan update apa-apa . dengan ini awok-awok semua takkan tahu yg aku onl fb >:D muahahaha . 

Saengil chukahamnida Kim Kibum ! 

picture of the day :


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 situations

Greetings :)

Setiap manusia di dunia ini pasti , memang confirm ada perasaan suka-menyukai . 

that was a weird intro -,-'' but its true what . either you like him/her or the other way . its as simple as that . but there's one prob , how to tell that person ? if you tell that person you like him/her . you might end up in either these situations :

1) The Winner
yeayy you win ! at what you ask ? you've confessed your feelings towards that person, that person accepts your and agrees to be in a relationship with you ! congrats !

2) The slightly unlucky one
goshh this one is kinda painful and is major embarrassing . this situation is kinda hard to forget esp when you see that person who rejects you everyday -,-'' be strong my friend .

3) The loner
it's hard to explain this situation . hmmm let just make it simple to understand shall we ? first , you are friends with him/her. second , you like that person  . third , you are just afraid to tell that you like him/her because you don't wanna lose them anyhow . 

so that's the 3 situations (that I know) . if you are in situation 1 , try to maintain your relationship and please don't carve your hands with a knife or whatsoever that looks hurtful . seriously it looks dumb -,- . and to those in situation 2 and 3 , be strong . there are so many people in this world facing the same problem as you . and believe me , there is always someone behind you who is ready to catch you whenever you're falling . maybe it's just not the right time yet . believe in yourself :D

omg why am I writing this ??!
sorry but I was just bored :P

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Greetings :)

Today my feelings are all mixed up . I don't know whether to be happy , excited or even nervous . at times I'm just goofing around and at certain times I'm just all prepared and of course there are times when I'm just not ready yet . okay I admit it , all of this is my fault . tapi what can I do , nasi sudah menjadi bubur . All I know is to put some spices, mince chicken and also some mix veggis to make my taste wonderful ! 

InsyaAllah, I will try my best to achieve great results . pulun-ning my energy till the last energy yang ada . 

Monday, September 19, 2011

mogok >:(

Greetings :)

nak mogok ! hmmphhh >:( time orang pergi Bangkok dulu, takde pon 2PM ke CNBlue ke nak datang . and look sekarang dia orang buat konsert kat sana -,-'' 

takpe takpe nanti lepas PMR kita jumpa kat Korea eh  :D hahaha kbai

Friday, September 16, 2011


Greetings :)

Happy Birthday dear Rabia'tul Adawiyah ! Miss you :D May Allah bless you always ~

Now we are both 15 ! hahaha I just found out that Jung Sung Ha , the famous young boy who plays the guitar , is also 15 this year ~ and his birthday is also in the same month as me :D but dah terlepas lah . Happy Belated Birthday :)

Things that make me go  asdfjkhlhfhjksajhkh #3 

Guys who can play musical instruments ~~~



Greetings :)

Okayyy I want to upload my bday pics but I just cant . why ? well I don't know how to explain this but the pics are not complete when I upload it . I don't know why -,-'' sorry :P

anywayyyyyy ... haha PMR is just around the corner dudes . Goodluck PMR-anians ~ *__*''

Things that make me go  asdfjkhlhfhjksajhkh #2

Guys who wear suits/ long sleeves :O

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Thursday, September 15, 2011


Greetings :)

Happy birthday to me ~ haha okay-2 Happy Belated Birthday to me ~ 
Thank You Family, Friends for all your support !
and Thank You God for still giving me the chance to learn, improve in life . 
Alhamdulillah :)

Photos during the bday will be post tomorrow . 

Things that make me go asdfjkhlhfhjksajhkh #1 :

Guys who wear glasses/spectacles 

haha okay enough ...

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Greetings :)

Today was a rough day for me . Things started to get real hard. Sometimes I just feel like berbaloi ke kalau aku hidup lagi? Berbaloi ke kalau hidup tapi tak tentu arah? But then I realize that it is not the solution. Fine orang nak mengata aku mengata lah . its not like I can't do the same tapi kadang-2 rasa macam fed-up .  seriously feeling like sh*t -,-''

anyway sorry , mohon ampun jikalau ada salah silap . 

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Greetings :)

school is just around the corner . yeaa so boring right ? I don't think I will go jalan-2 raya with my friends this year due to PMR -,-'' thanks a lot 'friend'

enough bout that . 

Dear you,

please stop causing problems. I think the person who needs to change is you. yeah YOU ! don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about missy. I am not blaming you because I am not that kind of person (not like you who likes to blame on others) why don't you stop for a while and THINK . p/s when I said 'think' it means that you have to use your brain and not your butt okay ? people are bored with all the commotion you've caused. enough laa weii

I am sorry kalau selama ni aku ter-over . mohon maaf .