Sunday, January 31, 2010


Annyeong !
Hahaha ..
pade tarikh 28.1.10 ,
aq telah mnerima stu message ,
from an unknown number tau ,

Dy kta 'hye' ,
well i said la mybe u sala org ,
but dy rep , and said that he/she knows me ,
then i was freakin' out ,
and dy kta ,
'sye tahu sume bnda psl awk'
WTHELL again ??!!!
nie yg menyeramkan ..

so , i did ask my frens to help me ,,
but the results were a bit dissapointed ,
when that person didnt reply their messages ,
and my frens did say ,
jgn layan org mcm tu ..
so i didnt ,,

But today , (31.1.10) ,,
org tu hntar lagi message ,,
dy tny 'nak tawu nme saye..'
of coz la i said YES !
i want to know spe dy nie kan,,
dipendekkan crite ,,
rupenye sarah daa...
haiyoo~ my own cousin laa ,
sejak ble dy ad hp nta ...

dy kta adek dy yg suroh ,,
to fayadh ,
'Penah rse saiz ksut 36??'
buat suspen je lebeh !!!
haha ..finally i can breathe air peacefully ..
hahaha..but its a great laugh too u know ..
hari yg sengal ..


Garfield said...


nadhirah :) said...

saba saba ..
kau nk aku bunoh kau ?