Monday, May 3, 2010

luck ?

slmat pulang .
hohoho , harinie was a 'cmpor baur' day .
yeah .

first ,
ive been robbed .
my water bottle and calculator dah kne curi .
huh , if only ive putted dat bag at surau .
grrrr >:(
im not going to forgive u mngkok ayon !
kw da knape mncuri brang org ??
kw nk btol air aq yg cute tuh ,
amek arr !
lntak laa , tp calculator aq ???!!
GILE ??!!
org da nk pekse , time nih laa tgn kw gatal .
**** !! huurrrrgghhh .
nseb baek tu aje .
aq tau laa kw papa kedane an .
klau cmtu pon , agk2 ar .
usaha tgge kjayaan beb !
xpena dgar ??!! BODOE !
hish , aq xnk tau kw spe ,
and lbeh baek kw smpan laa hrte tuu .
bknnye bole bwk msok kubo pon an .
mybe bole bwk msok ke NERAKA dgn kw !

huh , inhale exhale .
now back to the main topic .
we got our 'kad sistek'
haha . my face funny .
i aint wearing it  except arie2 ttentu je .

then , it rained juz a bit .
wktu rehat .
i was sooo hungryyy !!!
hahahah .
i only ate nsek at home .
so i bought a hotdog .
hahah , full oready ..

conclusion .
i really dunno wat to tell
except for de story ive been robbed .
other than that ,
i don think so .
no idea .

well .
that's all i guess .
chow ~

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