Thursday, April 21, 2011

wow can't believe esok dah camp 0.o
kinda worried about it . esp when we know who's going and who's not . 
sh*t how I wish I wasn't so excited to go .

anyway , the same thing happened during spot-check .
hahh mereka ni sungguh teruk .
rules are rules lah -.-"

time nak spot-check je time tulah nak pergi perjumpaan bomba , polis , yadayadayada .
hey your tricks are so lame lah . 
I just can't understand what's in your mind .
orang lain ikut peraturan , hidup je . 
takde pon cacat cela , calar balar =.=''
so to those 'pelarian' sila ikut peraturan sekolah ye .

omygodddd ....
feel so lazy to pack my bags :D 
haha risau kot baju tak cukup . 
gtg . packing ~

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