Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gosh !

Greetings :)

I've just read the news about a Malaysian student who is currently studying in London, Ashraf Haziq being robbed."A poor lad, obviously in distress, sits bleeding on the ground. He is "helped" up and then robbed" - ReaderDriver. Omaigod ! what a pity . Those people who robbed him are evil, and you know why they are evil? It's because they don't have a brain to think. or if they do have a brain then maybe they are stupid. They are unable to think well I suppose. orang macam ni toksah wujud kat dunia -,-''

I feel like cursing those bastards -,-'' *rosakkan puasa orang je*

Seriously why must they fight? I just don't understand that part. kalau racist sangat , kau pergi pindah planet Mars sana . I bet alien kat sana pun halau kau . sheesh what a shame -,-'' 

To those who are hurt , stay strong.  And to muslims, remember Allah is always with us :) InsyaAllah He will teach those thugs a lesson. If not here then it will be in the afterlife . 

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