Sunday, December 30, 2012

31st Dec 2012

Hey peeps :)

Guess what? Today's 31st Dec, the last day for the year 2012~ ! *screaming, partying sound* okay no, its not fun at all.  Why? Because school's gonna start soon! Not cool. 

This may be my last post for the year 2012 as I'm going to KL today *sob sob* My bags are packed I'm ready to go my taxi's waiting outside the door.  Haha okay ter-meraban pulak.  Enough being crazy, lets focus on what I've done/did/accomplished/learnt this year.

Well first of all, I've learnt that as you get older you realize that life can be such a b*tch sometimes.  Problems will come and go in your life.  One solved another one will come.  It's like a never ending problem.  Next is, I realize that I'm not the only one who thinks like that.  There are hundreds thousands millions of other people who have problems that are bigger trickier than mine.  Some can face the problems/challenges and some fail.  Lastly, I learnt that in order to have a healthy happy life I must be happy and not just say that I want to be happy.  I must stay healthy, take care of my health and not just say I want to be healthy.  Same goes to love, if you want others to love you, you have to love them first.  

As for things I've accomplished this year, there's nothing much I can tell.  Well partly because I'm only 16 and I still have a long journey to go.  One thing I can say is that, whatever problems/burdens/challenges you are facing remember that you are not alone.  You have your family and friends to support and you have Him to beg for help/direction/forgiveness. 

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