Sunday, December 16, 2012

Babble for the day

Hey peeps :)

Today I would like to take you back in time where I first entered high school.  "Ahh c'mon it's not like you've finished your high school!" shouted one of the readers.  Yes I know, I'm still a student but that doesn't mean I can't post about it can't I? Hehe ~

So yeah it all started way back in 2009.  Monday, January 5.  The day I was forced to go to school.  FYI the reason why I used the word 'forced' is because I hate that school.  Haha judgemental gila kan? No lah, I don't hate it.  It's just all my elementary friends aren't in the same school as me.  They all went to a private school while I have to enter a normal high school.  puih poyo sungguh.

Over there I met wonderful people, learnt wonderful new things hahaha macam cerita magical pulak.  But to be honest, kalau I didn't entered that school I don't think I'll be like this (in a good positive way). So yeah, I love my old school.  Plus kat sana is where I met all my glamorous, bling-bling, supah awesome colley dudey friends *I exaggerate too much*

okay muka cannot leggo haha.  Well peeps this is Aisyah aka Chabelle.  Dia orang pertama yang tegur masa form 1 dulu, "Awak kelas 1EK1 eh?" if I'm not mistaken that was her question.  Punyalah lega dah ada kawan baru.  Haha sadis betul hidup.  Anyway tak lama pun kita dapat hidup bersama di dalam kelas yang sama sebab... sebab... *lagu titanic* mak dia pindahkan dia kat kelas lain.  So I'm all alone.  The story doesn't ends here because kalau tak kerana Puan Zu pindahkan dia, takda makna aku dapat jumpa makcik, dhuhaa, sarah, ain.

Ini... ini... Afiqah atau lebih mesra dipanggil makcik *nada suara hambar*.  Ekceli dia bukanlah orang yang baru dikenal sebab I've met her dari sekolah rendah lagi cuma kami terpisah semasa darjah 6.  Jadi dengan kuasa Allah Taala kami telah ditemukan semula pada tahun 2009 *lol macam rancangan jejak kasih pulak* so yeah makcik ni satu kelas dengan Chabelle.  Seriously aku selalu rasa macam ketinggalan bila diaorang sakan berborak pasal kejadian dalam kelas *peluk tiang*.  FYI, you are now looking at the bakal ketua pengawas :D

Tadaaa~ this is Dhuhaa a.k.a? Dhuhaa! haha maaf :3 Dhuhaa ni baik orangnya, innocent pulak tu (tak macam makcik dua orang di atas... shhhh) and dia pun kelas dengan makcik dua orang tu.  I'm still forever alone *peluk pokok* Can't really remember how we met but one thing I remember is that Dhuhaa teman bergossip hehe pastu dia minat sangat dengan Zac Efron.  Mr Zac Efron sir, if you are reading this, my friend here really adores you *cehh* 

So yeah rumusannya mereka semua are not in my class, but always in my heart haha.  Okay tu macam cheesy sangat :P Tak sangka next year will be our senior year.  Rasa macam baru je semalam semua muka masih noob lagi.  Pejam celik pejam celik next year dah tahun terakhir.  Seriously rasa macam dah matang sungguh *abaikan*

Okay enough babbling for now :3

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