Saturday, July 25, 2009

D0nt c@R3!!!! (Dont care)

nak cter ape yg belaku aritu,,juz sebab pekare kecil,,dan dye sengaja nk membesar2kan keadaan..jadi sume kucar-kacir,,baru datang skola and borak2...tbe2 tersalah cakap and dye mule mengamuk,,habes dy debuk aq..
well what can i say,,me and my big's not aq sengaje pown...lagi pown dengan kengkawan rapat..dye x caye yg kte orang bleyh smpan aq x ckp pon spe org yg kacau juz ckp ade org kenyit mate jea..dye tu sengaje nk tgk aq hidup memang x patot ckp camni,,tp itulah pandangan aq kat dye..pstu dye trus x layan aq,,kire merajuk da pujuk dye..adek aq pown x mengade mcm dye..malam tu aq pown cumen2 ngan dye..

aq ckp:i'm sorry..please 4give me..i'm not perfect..

dye ckp:i know ur not perfect but just try 2 be perfect...
i can not 4 give u untill u know whats wrong with u
u know how to try be perfect eventhought u can't be perfect...

*(Ish,,aq bleyh terime lagi)

aq ckp:but wat ever i try,,
i always bump onto smting...
i always fall,,i always run away from problems..
how can i try to be perfect??

dye type:thats ur problem...
try to avoid that...
try to be matured..
try to know hows your self..
i heard many peole dont like you...
so try to change ur self..

Aq mmg da ckup sabar jea time tu..dye suruh aq berubah,,n dye x mau berubah,,

aq pown ckp:let other people hate me...
but i dont wanna let you hate me..
tell me..
how to change??
how can i be myself??
how can i jump from rocks if i dont have the strength to it...

Pastu dye x balas,,aq x tau sebab ape,,tp aq rase dye tu x x kesah,,biar la dye bace post nie..i dont care pasal dye sekarang..ske sgt tengok orang sedeyh,,biar dye rasekan balik..itu yang aq post mcm2 sblum nie..its about how i feel..kadang2 aq rase aq nie sellfish,,ye,,mmg aq selfish tp ini hanye pndgn aq..

just to show wat i think of her..
dye senang nak suroh aq berubah tapi kenape dye x nk berubah skali??!!
ingat dye tu dah baek sangat??huh,,sorry ye..tapi dis wat i feel about her..
dye memang laen..dulu dye nampak macam lebeyh matang,,tp skarang dye bukan berubah jadi baek,,tp berubah kepade berpura2..
pura2 yang dye tu sopan santun..
hish..dah la..buat dosa aq jek..
tapi aq just nak dye tau yg kte blajar dri kesilapan..dan jgn takot untk buat silap..
aq terima ape yg dye kate psal aq,,aq harap dye terime ape pndapat aq kat dye..
yes,,lenka was right,,a trouble is a friend..
sometime kawan sndiri nk cari trouble..
smtime kwan sndiri SENGAJE nk besa2kn keadaan..yeah..mmg jahat,,rmai org bnci aq,,tpi ini hidup aq,,hidup yg skali je aq dpt rasekn..biar la orang nak kate terime..sbb aq dpt pengalaman untuk berubah dri kata2 mereka..

***you know who you are***

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