Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the truth : science

8 years old ; "ohh I don't want to study about living things and non living things, lengths and batteries. Its so simple. I want to learn about chemistry/kimia , biology and experiments which can go KABOOOM"

15 years old ; "okay I get it , now please take me back where I was still studying living things, animals and non living things, lengths and batteries"

the truth : teenager

10 years old ; "Yeahh I'll be a teenager in no time ! Life is gonna be so much fun ! I just can feel it :)"

15 years old ; "Huuu if only I can be a kid again. Where I dont really have huge problems, where life was sooo much easier :("

the truth : growing up

12 years old ; "Omygod I can't wait to grow up !! Have a superb career , wonderful family and a great fantastic life !"

15 years old ; "Aww how I miss watching PB&J Otter, Art Attack and Banana's in pajamas. How I wish I can turn back in time :("

hahaha does these things ever happened to you?
well it always happens to me .
and he** yeah I love living my life as a kid again .

sometimes when I lay down in bed . I always close my eyes and imagine if the life Im going through now is just a dream and Im still sleeping in my crib . hmph well it's not .

well theres something I learnt from this problem , is appreciate all the things we have now cause I know and I ebt you all know that the things we have now will or maybe not last forever .

so have great positive life now and be happy :)

p/s : tolong jgn tuduh org sembarangan ikut suke hati diri je okay :)

1 comment:

UNA said...

Enjoy every present moment. There's no point in trying to live in the past as we can't turn back time and there's no point in trying to live in the future coz we don't know what's waiting for us.