Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Does it have to be this way?

Greetings :)

I've promised to myself this morning that I won't get mad and just ignore them but when she starts to tell the news to the whole world, I think she's crazy.  And when she mentioned my friends name and the prefects, she just crossed the line.  Girl, you should know your limit.  Stop being so desperate with your bitchy attitude.  Not cool lah wei -,-''

I can't understand why does she have to act that way.  Even in school just now, we were hunted by her.  Fine, if you want to hate her it's okay but its not okay when you start to put mud on her face.  What would you feel when people throws mud on your face? You will hate it right? See, its the same thing.

PMR dah habis tak semestinya kau boleh tunjuk 'kehebatan', 'kehandalan' dan 'kekuatan' kau yang 'disegani' sangat tuuuu -,-'' *seriously I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

Pause what you are trying or planning to do and think.  Is this the right thing to do? Takkan sebab lelaki yang tak handsome, berambut belatuk tu kau nak gaduh? Mana maruah kau sebagai seorang perempuan yang beragama Islam? Tapi kalau hati kau memang dah gelap sangat, nak buat macam mana kan? All I can do is just hope that one day you will realize what you are doing is a total mistake.

Lagipun, aku rasa sia-sia je kalau 'mamat' yang kau minat tu pilih kau.  Why you ask? Because kat FB kau kata kau telah berkahwin dengan PEREMPUAN.  Now you know why he didn't want to choose you right? 

Tuntasnya, saya harap awak sedar dan hentikan segala perbuatan yang tidak masuk akal itu.  Kami, pengawas form3 yang awak kata 'sial' akan sentiasa memaafkan awak dan kami harap awak akan maafkan kami.  

Sekian ...

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