It has been about 4 months since I last updated and yeah I'm back from that 'bloody 3-months camp'. Alhamdulillah I am still alive after being physically and mentally tortured. Okay sorry for exaggerating, to be honest the camp wasn't so bad at all. In fact I fell in love with it. I fell in love with the memories I had, the experiences I gained, the knowledge I learned and the people I met.
There I realized that sometimes you don't get what you want and you just have to live with what you have. All this while my circle of friends are mostly people from my same kind of league. But there I found out that there are many people who are much more wild than I am, much more experience than me, more outstanding than others I've known and yeah I never thought that I can manage to make friends with all these type of people.
Lets get to main point. At that camp I've met with these wonderful people who naturally understands me. Together we share our laughter, sorrows and anger. We joked and fooled around, we gossiped about the people we hate, we helped each other sending 'love notes' to our crush, we shared any new info, we gave out our opinion and we, well we loved each other. I missed them.
“Our lives are storybooks that we write for ourselves; wonderfully illustrated by the people we meet.”

From strangers to friends who understand each other. We came from different backgrounds, our interest aren't exactly the same but we managed to create a special bond, something so special that I can't explain. I've so many things to say about them but I just don't know how to put it in words.
Dear Bell, Wawa and Navy,
Thank you for everything. I miss you guys.
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